Monday, January 24, 2011

I Spy With My Little Eye

Hello listners, I am the spy that spied with their little eyes. Many of you don't know who I am, but i most certainly know who all of you are. The citizens of Long Island is where I find my refuge, and where i lay waiting and watching the moves of every individual I see. I study, I observe, and I research. Call it a sick, twisted practice, but much like many of you have hobbies such as polo, or attending lavish, exsquisite parties, mine is more of a solitary hobby. Through the next few entries I shall be educating you on my observations of a seemingly different breed of human, the rich and famous. The centre piece of my research has been one, Jay Gatsby, who seemed to appear out of thin air. Where did he come from? How did he attain his wealth? Why does he throw the best and biggest parties? These are questions that I have not been able to get answers to, no matter who I ask. I shall continue my research and get back to you with my findings.

-The Spy

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